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Stop Violence in Australia

Australia has a violence problem and it is a National Crisis.
We need your help.
In April 2024, tens of thousands marched and called on the government to address this issue and demanded that the government act on violence in Australia. The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, called a National Cabinet meeting on the 1st May 2024 and after a brief consultation with State and Territory leaders he announced several initiatives.

A focus of these initiatives is the Leaving Violence Program. This program is currently in place and is failing to address the issues and leaves the victim to accommodate the perpetrator.

What do we need?

  • We need additional federal and state funding for frontline services for sexual, domestic, and family violence and for other victims of violence services
  • Perpetrators need to be held accountable for their actions, breeches of protection orders and bail conditions need to be reviewed
  • Funding for domestic violence services to address the needs of children affected
  • A package to address the needs of those affected by sexual violence
  • Assistance in navigating the justice system for victim survivors of sexual assault
  • Housing for victim survivors or alternative accommodation for perpetrators to ensure victims and children can stay in the home and community
  • Funding for peak bodies to conduct primary prevention work that is evidence-based and guided by research
  • Training and programs for first responders in better addressing violence
  • Legislation around stealthing and coercive control
  • Programs for safe social activities and to address sexual violence and drink spiking
  • Strangulation laws addressing non-fatal strangulation for each state with consistent punishment, and a public education program around the dangers of strangulation
  • Guideline for media cover of violence, so that the victims of violence are considered and perpetrators are not glorified or reframed
  • No good character references for perpetrators of violent crimes, child abuse and sexual assault
  • We need mental health and services for those at risk of committing violence or seeking to reform

  • We ask that you contact your MP letting them know your concerns and asking for a response. The more of us who write, the more likely the are to address this national crisis.
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